Pledge of Refusal to
Profit from
#wanels & #manels

Public pledge of refusal to profit professionally from the
suppression of dissenting voices and peripheralization of counter narratives

The voices that are heard are the ones that shape narrative, and narrative shapes reality.

I thus take the pledge:

I will decline invitations to sit on all-White panels (“wanels”).

I will decline invitations to sit on all-man panels (“manels”).

I will decline invitations to serve as the single, token marginalized voice in any opportunity that would be homogeneous along any dimension without my participation.

I will further demand proportionate if not priority representation of voices that continue to be excluded through White supremacy, cis-hetero-patriarchy, ableism, capitalism, caste, and other systems of oppression.

And, acknowledging that representation—while necessary—is insufficient, I will demand that all panels, presentations, and publications that I am part of or that I engage with embrace multiple ways of knowing, talking, and being in both style and substance, form and content.